Remote work is a tool and is used as such by employees and employers alike. In order to reap its benefits you’ll have to, quite obviously, becoming adept at using it. Allow me to introduce 5 tips that’ll help you become a more productive and efficient remote worker.
1. Don’t get distracted!
Work becomes much more difficult when we’re flooded by information. Try to filter out the information that gets to you so that you don’t get caught up watching that new YouTube video or reading your friend’s article. It may be worth your while to consider using various ‘do not disturb’ modes your devices offer or tools such as AdBlock that’ll help you segregate tons of notifications.
2. Save it instead of opening it right away
It’s 1PM on a Tuesday and you’re working on a project. Suddenly, a notification flies your way and it’s an article you definitely want to read. But beware – once you open and start reading it, then that’s your focus gone. Fortunately, there is a solution! Instead of reading it right away, you can save it for later. That way you’ll stay focused on the task at hand while having a separate time for leisure activities.
3. Organize the information inflow
Think about what social media and messaging apps you really need when working – and limit yourself accordingly. Each time you go on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter your focus and performance take a hit.
4. Keep growing!
Been recommended a great book? Check whether that topic hasn’t been briefly addressed and described elsewhere – that’s before you spend a lot of time reading the entire book. That way you’ll know for sure if it’s something you’re interested in and want to explore further. I also recommend using services like Audible. You can hit the ‘play’ button whenever you’re on the bus, go shopping or preparing a meal.
5. Organize your schedule
Plan things – but do it wisely. One of the best ways to stay focused and organize your work is to allocate specific time slots for particular tasks – say, 20 minutes to write an e-mail. This will allow you to realistically assess your tasks and the time required, while also helping to stay focused on the task you’re currently working on.
If you have any other tips on how to increase productivity while working remotely, please share them in the comments section!
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