Remote work is not very popular in Poland just yet. However, teams from all around the world use it successfully – which is why our experts have collected 10 tips you need to start using to up your game and become an effective remote developer.
1. Daily updates
One of the best ways to keep communication and integration flowing within your team is to share daily updates. One way to achieve this is to create a separate Slack channel and share what tasks you’re currently working on. Each team should have a place to discuss completed tasks, share new bits of information, talk over the most important conclusions from a meeting. Why? Because documentation is key to success in remote work.
2. Control your focus
Being able to focus is extremely important when working remotely. Unlike working in an office, at home, or in a cafe, there are no external incentives and things to keep you motivated so whether you’re stay focused or not is entirely on you. Sometimes it takes only a single message to distract you. That’s why it’s crucial you master your focus – turn off notifications when you’re working on a project, allocate time to perform a specific task (for e.g. 15 minutes to write an e-mail). This will give you full control over how you spend your time.
3. Focus on your forte
Remote work can be a trap for people who focus on many technologies at once. Pick a niche and focus on it – that will help you settle and improve your work flow. You’ll benefit from it, as will your team and the entire company, too.
4. Keep growing
When working remotely you suddenly have plenty of opportunities to meet your family and friends. Same goes for watching or reading something you wanted to for a long time. It makes perfect sense and try to make time for it, but make sure to develop your skills as well. The IT industry is evolving at a rapid pace and you can’t afford to be left behind.
5. Don’t try to travel the world right away
Many people associate remote work with working in the Bahamas, Morocco or on a beach somewhere in Thailand. And it can indeed look like that, but don’t throw yourself in at the deep end right away. If you are just getting started on the remote work path, allow yourself some time to develop your own processes and only then plan your first trip – and keep it under two weeks, too. You’ll notice what problems come up while working on the go and you’ll have to find solutions. It will take some time, that’s for sure – eventually you’ll clear all the obstacles and start working in different location each month like a pro.
6. Learn languages
You probably think I refer to coding. Not this time! Remote work often brings together people from different countries and backgrounds. When working with a Brazilian, a Spaniard, and a Japanese, try to learn at least a few simple words (‘good morning’, ‘good night’, ‘thank you’ are a good place to start) in their languages. This will help tighten the bond between you and improve cooperation.
7. Avoid videocalls
This one is definitely not trying to encourage you to skip meetings. The idea is to minimize the number of videocalls more generally. Why? Because they take away a lot of the flexibility that comes with remote work. Before you decide to hop on a call, think about whether Slack or Google Docs won’t cut it.
8. Foster communication
Communication and emotions play a crucial role within remote teams – just like they do in a traditional office setup. That’s why I often recommend going overboard with emojis – that way your team will definitely understand the gist of your message. Replace the same-old ‘hello!’ by asking what everyone was up to last night or how did their day go. You’ll build genuine relationships and a congenial atmosphere that will help you during project delivery.
9. Trust the ones who are on-site
You can find it difficult to accept this at times. but you’ll have to trust people who are present on-site, meeting clients and supervisors. They really have the top quality intel and know exactly what’s going on – after all, they see it with their own eyes. Therefore, trust the person working on-site if they tell you that a particular task is a priority. They know what they’re talking about.
10. Words (and promises) count
In online communication, when you can’t see the recipient and they can’t see you, words count for more. You have no other means of expressing emotions or conveying your message. Promises play a particularly important role here – if you don’t deliver on something you said you’d do, your team automatically loses faith in you. And trust is key with dispersed teams.
The above tips should help you become really proficient at remote work. Your approach is everything – if you wake up each morning wanting to add value to your team and project, you’re basically winning already! If you’re looking for a challenging job and interesting projects, check out our job offers.
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