A large swath of people have significantly changed the way they work over the past two years. The Covid-19 outbreak in 2020 caused a serious economic slowdown and forced many companies to implement significant changes to the way in which they operate. The economy rebounded in 2021, with many sectors picking up pace. It probably came as no surprise that IT was among the leaders in terms of growth. An increased demand for IT specialists – larger than ever before – followed suit. And due to their relative scarcity, their rates and salaries were on the rise, too.
We conduct the Connectis_ Satisfaction Survey every year because understanding the situation on the IT market is absolutely crucial for us. We also want to gauge the views, opinions, and feelings shared by the specialists we work with on a daily basis. In the Survey, we ask our IT experts about the most important aspects of their work – both in terms of working with us, as well as working with our clients. The rapidly evolving market situation meant their opinion mattered even more this year.
The Survey investigates cooperation from a number of angles – project satisfaction, working with buddies, future outlooks, possible employment concerns, financial matters, and many, many more. Below are what we believe to be its most essential conclusions.
The first thing we noticed is that people at Connectis_ are not concerned about their future. As many as 99% do not fret about their employment. Even by the current market standards, this result is quite extraordinary!
The recruitment process (98%) and the buddy system (94%) are two more areas which have enjoyed tremendously high ratings. This is a testament to the professionalism of everyone at Connectis_ and something that is definitely appreciated by the specialists who come into contact with us. We believe this stems from our open-minded approach to cooperation and focusing on issues that are genuinely interesting to IT specialists – things like technology stack, remuneration, remote work, how pay raises and promotions work around here, or the purpose of a particular project. We focus on these things from day one and we carry on talking about them as our cooperation develops. Whenever we see tensions rising we bring these up during conversations with our clients. In the long run, this approach benefits all parties involved.
Man does not live by work alone, and that’s why we always ensure our teams are in high spirits. We have the best events in the entire industry and the very best surprises for a variety of special occasions – just take our specialists’ word for it! 93% of respondents agree that our activities in this department translate into great a team spirit, both internally and at client-based teams.
85% of our specialists are interested in a long-term cooperation with Connectis_ and want to stay with us beyond the first year.
Finally, as many as 96% of our specialists would recommend working with us – this makes us incredibly proud and happy. Recommendations include endorsing Connectis_ to companies looking for support within the IT body leasing department, as well as a more traditional word of mouth type endorsement – among their friends working in the industry. We appreciate it greatly and we hope to be meeting the expectations of our specialists through the referral program on offer.
Of course, we measure many other cooperation metrics – just click on the link that will take you to the full results of the 2021 Survey and take a deep dive to learn more.
We are happy with the 2021 results but that certainly doesn’t mean we are going to rest on our laurels now. We’re already working to make 2022 even better and take our cooperation with IT specialists and clients to another level.
You can access the Connectis_ Satisfaction Survey 2021 here: < Let’s Work Together >
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